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apply to become a board member

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Fraser River Indigenous Society is seeking Indigenous individuals, passionate and dedicated to join our Board of Directors. As a vital part of our governance structure, Indigenous Directors are a pivotal role in shaping the strategic direction, policies, and programs of the organization. We seek individuals who are deeply connected to Indigenous cultures, values, and communities, and who are committed to advancing the rights and well-being of Indigenous peoples. (Those with Finance, Human resources, Change Management, Governance, and other Board skills are encouraged to apply.)


Key Responsibilities:

• Provide strategic leadership and guidance to support the organization's mission and vision.

• Advocate for the rights, interests, and priorities of Indigenous communities within the Fraser River region.

• Actively participate in board meetings, committee work, and organizational initiatives.

• Be available for monthly in person Board Meetings.

• Willing to attend Board Training and annual retreat as well as AGM.

• Collaborate with fellow board members, staff, and stakeholders to develop and implement strategic plans and initiatives.

• Uphold ethical standards, accountability, and transparency in all aspects of governance and decision-making. 


These strategies are implemented to ensure that our organization has a diverse and skilled group of individuals who can help guide and support our mission. Here is our step-by-step guide to creating an effective board recruitment and succession strategy: 


Assess Current Board CompositioN

Begin by evaluating your current board composition. Identify any gaps in skills, expertise, diversity, or experience that need to be addressed. This assessment will help you determine what kind of board members you should recruit. 


Define Board Member Roles and Responsibilities

Begin by evaluating your current board composition. Identify any gaps in skills, expertise, diversity, or experience that need to be addressed. This assessment will help you determine what kind of board members you should recruit. 


Develop a Board Profile

Create a detailed profile of the ideal board member. This profile should include qualifications, skills, and characteristics that align with your organization's mission and needs. Consider diversity in terms of age, gender, race, background, and experience. 


Network and Identify ProspectS

Leverage your current board members, staff, volunteers, and supporters to identify potential board candidates. Encourage them to recommend individuals who have a passion for your cause and meet the criteria in the board profile. 


Engage in Outreach and Marketing: 

Promote board opportunities through your organization's website, newsletters, social media, and local community networks. Clearly articulate what your organization is looking for in board members and the benefits of serving on the board. 


Host Information Sessions 

Hold informational sessions or webinars to educate potential candidates about your organization, its mission, and the role of board members. This provides an opportunity for candidates to ask questions and gauge their interest. 


Utilize Board Matching Services 

Explore board matching services and organizations that connect potential board members with nonprofits seeking board leadership. We should post on platforms like Board Source or LinkedIn's Board Connect. 


Implement a Recruitment Process

Develop a structured recruitment process that includes application forms, interviews, reference checks, and opportunities for candidates to meet current board members and staff. Ensure transparency throughout the process. 


Assess Commitment and PassioN

Look for candidates who are genuinely passionate about your organization's mission and are willing to commit the time and resources needed to fulfill their board responsibilities. 


Orient and Train New Board Members 

Once selected, provide a comprehensive orientation for new board members. This should include an overview of the organization, its history, governance structure, financials, and the board's role. 


Monitor and Evaluate

Continuously monitor the performance of your board members. Evaluate their contributions, attendance, and adherence to their responsibilities. Provide feedback and support as needed. 


Foster Board Diversity and Inclusion 

Create an inclusive board culture that values diverse perspectives and ensures that all voices are heard. Encourage open dialogue and inclusivity in decision-making. 


Recognize and Retain Talent

Recognize and celebrate the contributions of board members. Acknowledgment and appreciation can help retain talented individuals and motivate them to continue supporting your organization. 


Term Limits and Succession Planning 

Establish term limits for board members and implement a succession plan to ensure a smooth transition when members step down. 


Regularly Review and Update Strategy 

Periodically review and update your board recruitment strategy to adapt to changing needs and challenges. 

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